Safety Presentation

Safety Presentation: Keep Your Guard Up

“The story of an American Prize Fighter who went to Iraq to kill bugs and built an Olympic team instead.”

Keep Your Guard Up is the exciting, inspiring safety speech and presentation designed by Termite Watkins. Unlike most safety talks, which are dull, unimaginative, and difficult to remember, Termite’s presentation will grab the attention of his listeners with the compelling story of his success.

When safety is your goal, the best gift you can give your co-workers and employees is an enthusiastic, passionate speech from a speaker they won’t soon forget. You will find this enthusiasm and passion in former professional fighter and Olympic boxing coach, Maurice “Termite” Watkins. Leave nothing to chance. Make it your priority to choose, introduce, and present and educational experience that will save lives.

“In the darkest of moments, one man inspired a team, a country, yes, even the world.”


Arete Honor Video – Termite Watkins “Olympic Dream” Story:

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