Sales Presentation

Sales Presentation: 15 Rounds of Life

Termite’s contagious attitude and remarkable life experience will captivate and inspire participants to adopt more effective sales techniques. This isn’t your old school seminar!  15 Rounds of Life is a very unique learning experience conducted inside a working boxing Gym. If you are tired of dull, uneventful classes with monotone speakers, then this is the seminar for you! Termite integrates proven sales skills with hands-on boxing techniques that are effective both in and out of the ring.

Termite’s wisdom comes from his own successful career as a salesman and boxer.  He believes that the ability to sell something is a skill that can be learned. However, he also teaches that good character, positivity, and a courteous attitude towards customers should always be a priority.

By creating an “eye of the tiger” atmosphere at the gym, Termite will:

-condition you for success

-teach you how to be prepared

-motivate you to stay positive

-dare you to “rise to the challenge”

-show you how to bob, weave, and roll with the punches

– inspire you to regain your passion for “the thrill of the fight”

-and train you to “go the distance” . . . “straight to the top”

Studies have shown that using multiple senses when processing information and engaging in a hands-on process increases an individual’s ability to retain valuable information and remember it later on.

This seminar can be modified for a 2 hour or 8 hour presentation. The 2 hour speaking presentation can be presented inside the gym or at a location of your choice. The 8 hour hands-on learning experience (coupled with the speaking presentation) can only be experienced in Termite’s gym: where champions are trained.

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